Friday, June 18, 2010

My favorite picture

Hello classmates today I have to talk about my favourite picture.

Well I must say I don´t know what is my favourite picture because that are a few that I considered very important for my, because have an especial meaning in my life. But in this opportunity I must choose one.

This picture is from the pass summer on january, I don´t know how take it but was in a workshop of Taekwondo in which I was tutor along whit several friends. That workshop was dedicated to boys in social risk, specially to child from "Villa Arco Iris".

In that picture appear my friend Cesar how is one of the best people that I know (Is the boy whit blue belt) and the little one that his name is Felipe. This boy was the little of all the group that going to practice, and for that reason the most vulnerable in every sense. The most of the boys annoy felipe but he never leave to going to train. At the end of the Workshop he was officially my brother and this picture remember me that is some one that is sees me like a example and have to do the harder sacrifice to be a good example for this little boy.

Well that is all have a very nice weekend.

Finally I go to Rancagua.

Bye and Peace

Friday, June 11, 2010

Hello classmate
today I have to talk about the education and what I think of them.

In the University of Chile it’s suppose are the best docent of Chile, but is not totally real, for a many reasons but the principal is because the money that university pay to the teacher is too poor, and the good teachers are migrating to the private university. The most of the people don’t know that, and when enter to the university they disappointed for the reality of one of the best university of South America.

But not all the teachers are like that, are a few many that are an incredible docents and they enjoy teach but are too few. The other teacher know alot of his subject but for some reason is like they don’t enjoy what they do, is like they are frustrated or have some resenting to teaching.

Some classes that have made us have been not for teachers, have been for investigators or doctors, and for some reason to that professional people how know so much about to the topics, when they explain is very simple and every one understand.

When I enter to the university I think “I have to study a lot” but never to this way, because I have to study everything for my self because the classes that are so long and whit topics new that I can’t hold all the information and is some occasions are like waste of time, well that I think.

Some topics that I think are very important to my career have been lightly pass or no completely for time or for another reason.

I think all these problems of teaching are from the curricular innovation (well that I hope so) and hope in a few years more this problem will nor exist. I’m love of the career, but I am bit disappointed is some aspect of the university.

Well that I think of education of mi faculty and especially of my career
I hope you have a nice weekend

Friday, June 4, 2010

Hello classmates!!
Today I have to talk about the different stereotypes from my faculty. This topic was discussed the last class but I Cannot enter to that class because I was not bring the book of English and miss take me out of the class... She is bad person

the stereotypes that I think that are in the faculty are: the medic, the physical therapy and the nutritionist. In the other carriers I think that not exist a stereotypes, because I believe they don’t have a specific characteristic.
The features of medical are: Colors eye like blue or green, white skin, tall, thin, and is studying medicine because his father is a doctor and he need get some of respect.

The physical therapist are the typical sport guy, his musculature is very developed, tall, thin always are dress whit sportswear and have his sport bag.
The nutritionist stereotype is for a girl, is very thin, pretty having a nice figure.
That are the stereotypes of the carriers, but in the faculty of medicine are a many different groups, like people how like metal music, like play foosball, do sports, read, sleep etc.
The most of the people of 1 and 2 grade of physical therapy pass the most of the time On the CES where they can play (foosball and pin pon) sleep, eat, study. All the faculty can go to there but the most of the people present are physical therapist, is very difficult see another group of other carrier.
Well that are the stereotypes that I can see on the faculty, is very varied and that is one of the things that I like of the faculty. I cannot assign me in a classification because I think I don’t belong on one of them, I am in a
intermediate term or I cannot represent whit someone in particular.

Well that is what I can say about the stereotypes I hope you enjoy... Have a nice weekend

Peace for all