Friday, October 22, 2010

Brain and learnning

Hello classmates!

Today I have talk about of one of the "neuromyth" of the book brain and learning.
Now, I will chose the neuromyth that talk about of "learning when your are sleeping"

This topic says that people can learn when they are sleeping. Who is that possible? Using a mp3, audio player or any audio reproduce you listening the track while are sleeping and the content or the information of this audio will be learned.

A Russian doctor put this to a test and makes child listening a story, and when they wake up relate the history. In this experiment only one of the children can related the story, the other don’t related nothing. The doctor changes the experiment and instead to put a story audio put a repetitive sentence. The result was that the entire child can say what the sentence was. But this it is work only proves that persona can learn short sentence listening or saying repetitive times.

Once I try to do this, because I have to learn a song, put my headphones and cd player and I go to sleep, all the night the song was playing. When I wake up I do not learn anything of the song, only I remember a bit of the rhythm nothing else.
In conclusion this topic is not totally false but learn only one sentence in all night is not very productive. But if this will be totally true the world will be a better place, because we don’t have to be awake all night to learn the subjects.
OK I hope you enjoy have a nice weekend. Bye!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A healthy life style. Is it possible? how?

Hello classmates!
Today I have to talk about a healthy life style, and how can we get it.

First what is a healthy life style? We can describe this like a set of actions and conducts that make a person have a better condition of life. How is that? because a person whit a healthy life style have less likely to have a disease or pathology, accumulated stress, can live longer whit a good condition, in other words this person can enjoy of a better way the life than a person haven’t a healthy life style.

Ok. What we have to do? Once of the important things of this style of life is eat things that are nutritive, eat healthy things, and in the quantities and schedules that it correspond for each person. Whit this food I mean fruits, vegetable and this kind of food. Try to avoid food like "Mcdonals" or "pollos crazy" because this food is very tasty but is very awful to our organism.

Other reason that I consider very important is do sports or a physical activity to release all the stress and have a better physical condition. Why we need that? First for mental health, our brain need a moment of break and relaxes to eliminate all the accumulated stress. Another reason could be have a better body and feel better whit oneself. Whit a better physical condition a person can do more things and still have energy can face the week and don’t die in tying.

But we need do sport all the days? Is not necessary, it is recommendable do exercises 3 days at the week like jogging, play a sports or go to the gym but if you don’t have time to do it you can do a simples things like upstairs and don’t use escalator for example.

Well as can you see it is possible have a healthy life style but the most of the people can’t implement this in their lives.
These are very simple tips to have a "healthy life style" I hope you enjoy
