Friday, November 19, 2010
Learning english at the university
Well, when I enter to the university my level in English was a bit lower because the English in the school was basic, but the most importantly is that I was a very bad student in the English subject, I never do the homework or any activity in classes , because my mark was decent whit out study. All the English that I know I learn from the music that I listening and a bit from the movies.
For that music and movies I start in the level pre-intermediate of the university, that is the third level of four, that is no so bad.
My first semester in English was whit a miss that I don’t remember her name but she was very pretty but was very strict, if we get a late to class she don’t allowed to enter, she take me out of class for not bring the book of English and for that I almost reprove the subject for absence. But fortunately I get pass and now I am in the 4° level.
The difference between these two levels is no to much for the subject-matter but in the exigencies is too much more.
At the beginning I thought that this subject was unnecessary, but later I understood that learn English is necessary and could need us in the future.
But honestly I have to say that all I learn in this year is too little, this subject help me to exercise some skills in English like listening or writing and learn a few words but I have the same capacity of combine at different time the sentences, I have a cero in this skill, the same at the pronunciation.
But anyways this was a nice experience but I hope never does it again because take me a lot of my time that I could do some other things like study or sleep.
For that I hope pass this level and be happy.
Have very nice weekend bye.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Today is time to a free post! Now I chose the topic of "City of Santiago".
Why I chose this topic? Because I pass the most of this year in this city, and this is a totally different lifestyle for me, because I’m from Rancagua of VI region.
Rancagua is not a small city and is not a rural place, but the towns around are rural, very nice and away from all the stress of the big cities. But when somebody listens of Rancagua think is a rural place and this people never been in my city. Rancagua is the most developed city of the VI region but when I get to Santiago I realized that I was living in a bubble and need to see another reality.
Now I’m living in a “pension” in Independencia, very near to the faculty of medicine. I’m living whit 5 students from another regions and others carriers. It is a bit ware because we pass a lot of time in the same house but we see each other a few times in the week.
One of the things that impressed me in Santiago was the “metro” I think is a very cool idea and excellent transportation but is a hell in the peack time, so many people In a small space and the people change they become in a kind of zombies and all they want is up in the metro and they don’t care if have to push a lady whit a baby or an old woman they only want is enter.
Another thing that take my attention in Santiago was the people is all stress, is very ware see a person that smiley in the bus or in the metro they are sleeping or listen music and watching the horizon trying to disconnect of this world and when someone smiley is baby o a person you help.
Well that is my blog… have a very nice weekend
Bye and peace
Monday, November 1, 2010
Dealing whit the stress at university.
Today is the time to talk about of the stress and how dealing whit this at the university.
First what is the stress? We can define this how a reaction of the body in front a danger situation or increased demand. The stress itself is a natural answer of the body and essential for the survival… But in this time get stress is pathologic and makes the life very difficult.
For that, is very important for the people fight against this pathologic, and unfurnately we are a easy target for this disease... We are in a constant stress for the university, extensive schedule of classes, study all the day because always we have a test and once at the month we have the “killer week” when we have all the certamenes and that is a critical time for anybody, all the people are stress, get bad sleep, have bad humor and etc. And that is terrible for all.
How we can fight the stress? I think once of the most important things to avoid this is doing another thinks that relax your mind and body, for example sports or dance or anything that make you mind disconnected from the universitary world, because is very necessary if you don’t do that all you will win is a very stress life.
What I do to try to fight this, is doing sports, I was doing taekwondo but for a lesion I can’t do more for this year, so now I go to the gym for do something but thia is not the mine.
Well in conclusion we must do other things that thinking in the university, find “that” thing that make you relax and put constantly in your life and other things that I consider very important is be organized in your life and that way is more possible you don’t accumulate duties. For my the last type is very difficult to do
Ok have a very nice weekend bye
Friday, October 22, 2010
Brain and learnning
Today I have talk about of one of the "neuromyth" of the book brain and learning.
Now, I will chose the neuromyth that talk about of "learning when your are sleeping"
This topic says that people can learn when they are sleeping. Who is that possible? Using a mp3, audio player or any audio reproduce you listening the track while are sleeping and the content or the information of this audio will be learned.
A Russian doctor put this to a test and makes child listening a story, and when they wake up relate the history. In this experiment only one of the children can related the story, the other don’t related nothing. The doctor changes the experiment and instead to put a story audio put a repetitive sentence. The result was that the entire child can say what the sentence was. But this it is work only proves that persona can learn short sentence listening or saying repetitive times.
Once I try to do this, because I have to learn a song, put my headphones and cd player and I go to sleep, all the night the song was playing. When I wake up I do not learn anything of the song, only I remember a bit of the rhythm nothing else.
In conclusion this topic is not totally false but learn only one sentence in all night is not very productive. But if this will be totally true the world will be a better place, because we don’t have to be awake all night to learn the subjects.
OK I hope you enjoy have a nice weekend. Bye!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
A healthy life style. Is it possible? how?
Today I have to talk about a healthy life style, and how can we get it.
First what is a healthy life style? We can describe this like a set of actions and conducts that make a person have a better condition of life. How is that? because a person whit a healthy life style have less likely to have a disease or pathology, accumulated stress, can live longer whit a good condition, in other words this person can enjoy of a better way the life than a person haven’t a healthy life style.
Ok. What we have to do? Once of the important things of this style of life is eat things that are nutritive, eat healthy things, and in the quantities and schedules that it correspond for each person. Whit this food I mean fruits, vegetable and this kind of food. Try to avoid food like "Mcdonals" or "pollos crazy" because this food is very tasty but is very awful to our organism.
Other reason that I consider very important is do sports or a physical activity to release all the stress and have a better physical condition. Why we need that? First for mental health, our brain need a moment of break and relaxes to eliminate all the accumulated stress. Another reason could be have a better body and feel better whit oneself. Whit a better physical condition a person can do more things and still have energy can face the week and don’t die in tying.
But we need do sport all the days? Is not necessary, it is recommendable do exercises 3 days at the week like jogging, play a sports or go to the gym but if you don’t have time to do it you can do a simples things like upstairs and don’t use escalator for example.
Well as can you see it is possible have a healthy life style but the most of the people can’t implement this in their lives.
These are very simple tips to have a "healthy life style" I hope you enjoy
Monday, September 6, 2010
Hello classmates!
Today I can talk about whatever that I want. I chose the topic of the music.
Why I chose this? Because is one of the most important thing in my life . Since I was a little boy, like 9 years ago, I always listening deferent kind of music for my cousins (I am the little of my entire family), because they are of different stiles and personality.
When the years pass and I make more "old" I chose a special branch, like rock, funk and metal.
These stiles it seems to be very hard and crazy but in the background have a reason to be like that, and the most of the people did not know or they don’t want to understand, because for them this kind of music is only a noise and mans whit long hair.
But for me, this music is very relaxing and motivating at the same time… That’s curious I know, but that is what I feel when I listening, and in fact I need this music to concentrate me, always that I do a quiz or exam I’m listening Iron Maiden or Fito & Fitipaldis because otherwise I get distracter easily.
But depend to the music to concentrate is not a good thing, because when I have to do the PSU I couldn’t listening music and was very very difficult do that test, but now I still doing the same thing, I can’t do a test whit out my mp3. I’m a horrible example but I suppose that I don’t want to change my "music stile living".
Well that is a little of my experience of music
I hope you enjoy
Have a very nice weekend
Friday, July 9, 2010
Blogging Experiencie
Today I have to talk about my experience of blogging in the English Class.
First, I never have my own blog, because I always think that create one it must be so much complicated, and I not so good on the computers and internets staff, the only I always do in my computer is play nothing more.
When I create this blog I really do not have an idea what this will be, for that I do not have a any opinion of this activity. But know that I have done like a thousand of blogs have a opinion of this work. But I will talk later about my point of view, now I will still explain my experience.
I never be good on language subjects, but English was a more easy for my than Spanish, that is very wear but it must be because I always listening English music, for that I can understand a bit what the musician singing but read or write the words that they say I never could, for that this experience was a very difficult challenge for me.
I really think this experience is a very good opportunity for improve our capabilities of writing but, the most of the time we are so tired that write a blog of 100 words is almost impossible in the English time. I hope in a future that not happens, I do not know if we are not adapted to this rhythm of study or the system is too hard, because the curricular innovation is too "young" and have a few problems that complicated our time.
Wrote about any them is challenge, because you have a many ideas in your head but you do not know how to start or what words use, but I suppose that is the propose of this work.
Well I hope have a improve on my writing skills in this subject, but I must say I do not see any change.
Well that is my experience en blogging.
I hope you enjoy
bye bye.