Monday, November 1, 2010

Dealing whit the stress at university.

Hi classmates!
Today is the time to talk about of the stress and how dealing whit this at the university.

First what is the stress? We can define this how a reaction of the body in front a danger situation or increased demand. The stress itself is a natural answer of the body and essential for the survival… But in this time get stress is pathologic and makes the life very difficult.
For that, is very important for the people fight against this pathologic, and unfurnately we are a easy target for this disease... We are in a constant stress for the university, extensive schedule of classes, study all the day because always we have a test and once at the month we have the “killer week” when we have all the certamenes and that is a critical time for anybody, all the people are stress, get bad sleep, have bad humor and etc. And that is terrible for all.
How we can fight the stress? I think once of the most important things to avoid this is doing another thinks that relax your mind and body, for example sports or dance or anything that make you mind disconnected from the universitary world, because is very necessary if you don’t do that all you will win is a very stress life.
What I do to try to fight this, is doing sports, I was doing taekwondo but for a lesion I can’t do more for this year, so now I go to the gym for do something but thia is not the mine.
Well in conclusion we must do other things that thinking in the university, find “that” thing that make you relax and put constantly in your life and other things that I consider very important is be organized in your life and that way is more possible you don’t accumulate duties. For my the last type is very difficult to do
Ok have a very nice weekend bye

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